
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Generation 6 Heir/Heiress Vote!

Wow, here we are, almost time to start the next to last generation! Woo! I'm excited about this vote, because I'll be pleased no matter who wins this time, as it seems each kid will bring something new into the Wishacy. Their personalities and interests are so different! And in my opinion, wow, they are all so gorgeous as Young Adults! That's right, this time around I decided to show grown-up pics instead of teen. As soon as the kids age up to YA, I'll put them up on the exchange as well.

Without further ado, let's introduce Generation 6, and get voting!

Ginger Song:
  The only reason she hasn't turned Blinkie real is that I've had the most difficult time ever finding a Rainbow Gem in Barnacle Bay. If anyone has any help on that one, I'd love to hear it! Other than that, my plans for Ginger include trying the home day care career, if she wishes for it. She wished for her LTW herself, and since it's one I haven't completed yet, I accepted.

Juniper Song:
My guess is Juniper will be the first one married of the Song kids, as she is a Hopeless Romantic, and is constantly rolling wishes involving Jazz. I'm seeing blue babies in her future! Juniper has also taken up with her mother's guitar (that yellow one from Mikie's wife, Jeanna back in Gen. 2!) and wished her LTW for herself.

Sage Song:
Sage is currently a teen in game. He has set all kinds of pranks up around the house, and it's a miracle he hasn't got grounded yet because of it. I have a feeling he's going to be a little on the wild side!

Basil Song:
Basil is currently a child in game. His personality is an interesting mix, with being Grumpy and Friendly. I'm planning on adding some kind of romantic-type trait in there at some point, other wise, he may be single for  a long time! He also looks great in glasses, which I might be giving him once he ages up.

Curry Song:
Curry is currently a child in game. Curry is the first Evil kid in this Wishacy! I have no idea what that will mean for him, but he's handsome, evil, ambitious, that's one interesting combo, that's for sure!

So, do you see what I mean? All gorgeous, all interesting, please help me make a choice! The vote will be up for about 5 days, so make sure you put your vote in now! The Poll is at the top right-hand corner of the home page, as usual.


  1. I voted for Juniper in the poll! :)

  2. Thanks Jojo! That reminds me, I haven't checked out what was going on with your heir poll! *runs off to see what's up*

  3. Ya i agree i like Juniper, she reminds me so much of her mom:)

  4. Doesn't she though? Especially with Patience's short hairstyle. I love that she has Phillip's hair color though. :)

  5. I voted for curry because he is too cute lol and it would be interesting to see what an evil sim would get upto!!

  6. I voted for Curry! Cute and evil, that does it for me :) I love all the other kids though, it was so hard to choose! So I'll be happy whoever wins.

  7. I would love to see an Evil wishacy patron! So Curry for me.
