
Friday, May 20, 2011

GENERATION 5 Heiress Vote!!!!

Well, we are here already! Time for a vote to start Generation 5!!! As I explained last chapter, the choices are between Hope and Patience this time, as Hart is still a toddler and I want to play the next generation with a girl. Sorry there's no pink hair. :( I'm just as disappointed as you are. But I believe with the luck I've had of hair color skipping generations, that either Hope or Patience's kids will have pink hair! Anyways, let's get on with it, shall we?


 Patience isn't family oriented, but you'd think she is in how involved she is with her family. She's constantly rolling wishes involving her family. She loves cooking, and has already learned several new recipes. Her best friend is her vampire cousin, Monica. She makes straight A's at school, and is currently working at the local grocery store. She's not quite made up her mind about what she wants to do with her life, but it will most likely be between mastering every recipe she can get her hands on, or working at becoming a top chef in town. (She'll most likely be given the Family Oriented trait at her YA birthday)


Hope is  a perfect blend of her parents looks. Since childhood, she's always enjoyed the more rambunctious activities in life, even if she is a bit clumsy. She wants to work in the science industry, and as soon as she graduates, she's heading straight to the Science Facility for  a job. Although she's not quite as social as her older sister, she does have a best friend, a boy named Taylor that she's known her whole childhood. She works at the book store, and is making straight A's in school as well. (She'll most likely be given the Green Thumb trait on her YA birthday, since she's already chosen the science field)

Those are the choices! The Poll will be in it's usual spot at the top right of the home page. Thanks for helping me choose, I love both girls, either one will be fun to follow for a generation, I think. Of course, I do have a favorite, but I won't tell. :)


  1. mmmmmmmm this was a hard one cause i like them both
    but went with hope in the end.

  2. Please Hope!! I'm a die hard fan :)

  3. Hope is prettier, but Patience is best friends with someone in the family. hm...

    I went with Patience in the end, but I'd love to see Hope.

    Btw, Julie, I think you hit Patience by mistake

  4. I voted for Hope, but I think either of them will be great fun to follow!
