
Saturday, November 27, 2010

WAIT!!! Before you vote, READ this! Generation 3 choices...

Wow, it's finally time! Time to figure out who will be carrying on the Wishacy once Mikie has completed his LTW! Vote wisely! (and only once per person, please!) All pics of the kids are as teens, since the youngest two aren't there yet, and I want you to have a good idea of what they all look like...

So, here are your choices!

Harmony is the first born, who was the first born, and was the first to wish to be a doctor as her LTW, and looks alot like her mom!

Melody, being the hopeless romantic that she is, has already rolled the wish to have a first kiss, and wants to up that celebrity status! She is already a 1 star celebrity. She seems to have a fascination with vampires as well...
Symphony is the only one of the Song kids to have her grandpa Harley's hair color, making her the most unique of the group! It sure would be nice to see those genes carry on through the generations. ;)

Cadence is a dark haired version of his Dad! He's also the only Male of this generation!

Aria is currently a child, and this is where I've caught up to in my game, so I haven't even seen her wishes yet! She has very kind eyes, though...

Sonata is a perfect mixture of her parents, with dark hair and her dad's green eyes. She is also a child currently. Recently, she's rolled the Mooch trait, it will be interesting to see how that affects her wishes.

Voting will close on Monday Night. And, after the vote is closed and the winner is picked, the first 4 kiddos will be up for download on the exchange as teens. I'll post the links for them on the announcement of the winner post. Thanks for voting, and reading!

Without further ado, Vote away! Please, only one vote per person. I would greatly appreciate that! The poll is at the very top of the home page of this blog. Thanks for your participation!


  1. I voted symphany i think she is really striking and i love to watch flirty sims in action in a wishacy. my second choise would be Sonata - she's lovely

  2. my first choice would be Symphony and my second choice is Cadence.

  3. It seems others like my favorites too! My first pick would be Symphony, then Sonata, then Cadence. I like Cadence a lot, but in a wishacy, it's so much easier to have a girl heiress!

    Thanks for voting everyone! ;)

  4. My first choice would be Symphony and second is Cadence.
