
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And the Winner is...

It may be no surprise to you, the our Generation 3 heiress for the Song family Wishacy is:


Now, I have 5 of the 6 Song kids available for download, for your simmy enjoyment, and you can find them in my studio (linked below) The only one missing right now is Sonata, but she will be there soon. Thanks for your help in choosing a generation 3 heir!

P.S. Mikie will have one more chapter, wrapping up his generation, then it's on to Gen. 3!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

WAIT!!! Before you vote, READ this! Generation 3 choices...

Wow, it's finally time! Time to figure out who will be carrying on the Wishacy once Mikie has completed his LTW! Vote wisely! (and only once per person, please!) All pics of the kids are as teens, since the youngest two aren't there yet, and I want you to have a good idea of what they all look like...

So, here are your choices!

Harmony is the first born, who was the first born, and was the first to wish to be a doctor as her LTW, and looks alot like her mom!

Melody, being the hopeless romantic that she is, has already rolled the wish to have a first kiss, and wants to up that celebrity status! She is already a 1 star celebrity. She seems to have a fascination with vampires as well...
Symphony is the only one of the Song kids to have her grandpa Harley's hair color, making her the most unique of the group! It sure would be nice to see those genes carry on through the generations. ;)

Cadence is a dark haired version of his Dad! He's also the only Male of this generation!

Aria is currently a child, and this is where I've caught up to in my game, so I haven't even seen her wishes yet! She has very kind eyes, though...

Sonata is a perfect mixture of her parents, with dark hair and her dad's green eyes. She is also a child currently. Recently, she's rolled the Mooch trait, it will be interesting to see how that affects her wishes.

Voting will close on Monday Night. And, after the vote is closed and the winner is picked, the first 4 kiddos will be up for download on the exchange as teens. I'll post the links for them on the announcement of the winner post. Thanks for voting, and reading!

Without further ado, Vote away! Please, only one vote per person. I would greatly appreciate that! The poll is at the very top of the home page of this blog. Thanks for your participation!

Gen 2 Chapter 11: A Houseful of Crazy and Love!

The youngest Song girls had us up bright and early...
but that was ok, because today was a big day! First day of high school/school for the older kids, and a birthday party for the youngest of the Song clan!
"Excited for school, sweet heart?"
"I guess... it will be nice to make some friends."
After all the kids were off on the bus, I made the arrangements for the party tonight. I invited family, and a few friends.
With the kids off to school, I decided to finish up that children's book. It was a success, but not a best-seller or anything. That's ok though, every little bit of money coming in helps!
Apparently school took a lot out of the kids, they all came home and took a nap!
Except for Cadence, he went straight to work on his homework. Such a good kid!
Jeanna spent the rest of the afternoon while I was at work getting the twins nice and happy before their party tonight.
Work flew by, and soon I was back home welcoming the guests to our party!
First up was Aria!
Happy Birthday Aria!
Aw, another dark-haired girl! She looked a lot like her momma. What a sweetie!
Then, Sonata's turn!
Happy Birthday Sonata!
A beautiful little girl, with her momma's hair, but my eyes! A true mixture of Jeanna and I!
The twins were a big hit with their big sisters, they were always wanting to tickle and snuggle them. They were loved, that's for sure!
After the guests left, and Cadence was in bed, Harmony gave the girls their nighttime bottles, and put them to bed for us. No more babies in the house! On to toddlerhood!
Besides Aria and Sonata, the kids were pretty much self-sufficient. The girls always did their homework without being told, and the only thing Cadence ever needed from us was an occasional game of catch.
Jeanna finally got to finish that portrait of me she started long ago.. and we had our matching portraits on the wall.
Saturday came, and Cadence, Symphony and Melody decided to go hang out at the park. Cadey had been wanting to learn how to fish, and Symphony simply wanted to go out.
Melody however, was on the lookout for her first boyfriend. She met a couple of nice guys, but most were older than her. Only one was a teen like she was.
Although all the girls wanted to be doctors, it was only Harmony who ever gave her logic skill any concern.
Symphony loved painting, and even took over our easel in our room to start her latest masterpiece. I told her that was fine, and worked from the drawing desk instead.
We were slowly and surely teaching the girls their skills, but it was taking longer than usual, just because there was so much activity going on in our house.
It seemed as if when we'd finally get the girls happy and ready to teach them to walk, they'd be exhausted and ready for bed. Ah, well.... that's life with 6 kids!
Melody was still obsessed with befriending a vampire, and when she heard one of her acquaintances from school had vampires in their family, she spent her Sunday over there, trying to make friends with his family.
And Harmony, well, when she wasn't playing chess, she was helping out with the girls.
Actually all the girls helped out here and there when they could. It was nice to have such good kids!
Symphony still, was obsessed with painting. She now had 2 easels occupied with her artwork. I told her that only one was enough per person, and she tried to oblige...
Now that I was an elder, I realized I should really be taking the time to do what I enjoy, so I got back to painting again. I was only 2 points away from mastering the painting skill.
Somewhere around this time, Harmony decided she wanted to get a part-time job. She decided upon the grocery store.
I was quite proud of her getting her first job, and since she and I had the same work hours, I took her out to dinner after her first day of work to celebrate.
"So, hon, how was work today?"
"Oh alright, I suppose. A customer spilled bubble bath all over one of the aisles, and I had to clean it up. It was a slippery mess!"
 "Wow! Sounds like an exciting first day!"
"I guess.It's frustrating being the new girl and trying to learn everything."
"Oh, I'm sure it is. Don't worry, you'll catch on soon enough."
By the time we got home, the youngest girls were fast asleep. They were sooo cute when they were sleeping!
It didn't take long for more birthdays to approach. I swear, with 6 kids every time we turn around we are celebrating a birthday! This time, it was Cadence's turn.
Again, we invited the usual, and watched our son turn into a teenager.
Happy Birthday Cadence!
Wow, he looks like me, but with dark hair!
Now that he was a teen, he seemed to take after his sister Harmony, and was a little Shy around all the guests.
Needless to say, he decided to take the room in the attic as his, so he could have his space.
Now, we were a household with 4 teens! Yikes! Watching our kiddos growing up was making me all nostalgic about how fast they were all growing. First thing in the morning, I went in and snuggled Aria and Sonata tightly, and tried to treasure the moment the best I could. These were our last babies!
Our morning went on as usual, big kids all at school, Jeanna and I working like mad to get Aria and Sonata trained, as their birthdays were fast approaching!
Of course, we always made sure to just take a few moments and watch then play and enjoy them.

Our girls were having a hard time getting all their schoolwork done at home. We just had one crazy household, and it wasn't the easiest place in the world to get studying done.
They tried to take any extra credit their teachers would give them. Symphony had a book to read,
and Melody went fishing for her science class. It was helping!
So far, Aria and Symphony both were potty trained, and taught how to walk, but talking, well we just didn't have time for before their birthdays were upon us.
We enjoyed our last evening with them as toddlers, showing them as much affection as we could before they fell asleep.
And, the next day, their birthdays came! This time, no fancy party. We were partied out!
Happy Birthday Aria!
Aw, she was a cutie! She turned out to be Brave like her brother and sister, Harmony. And looked a lot like her momma!
Then, it was Sonata's turn!
Happy Birthday Sonata!
She still had those gorgeous green eyes, and developed the Mooch trait. Uh-oh!
Well, here we were, with no more toddlers!!! It was time to rearrange the rooms, once more. Of course, Cadence had already moved upstairs, but now we took the cribs out of the other room, and put in two beds for the girls, then moved all the toys out of the triplet's room, and into the little girls' room, along with taking the toddler toys out of there to make more room. Wow, no more potty chairs! Woohoo!
And, as for the triplets, we decided to get them some activities that were more age appropriate for them, and we got them a keyboard and video arcade game. They were so excited!
Of course, one of their new favorite hobbies was coming home from school, and soaking in the hot tub. I was quite proud of how well they all got along!
Now that the most time-consuming of the kids' raising was over, I was looking forward to focusing on my guitar/painting. And, of course, reconnecting with my beautiful wife, who I haven't got to spend time with in a long time.
Yes, we had a houseful of children, but we are completely happy with our choices, and life that we made together!

*buckey's notes* -Well I know this was a super-long but, FINALLY there are no more babies/toddlers to take care of. Whew!!! I'm starting to feel the pressure now, Mikie still needs 2 more painting skill points and 4 more guitar skill points to complete his LTW, and he's not getting any younger! I'm so hoping since the kids are all pretty self sufficient, he can just spend all his time skilling. Thank goodness he always wishes for those things! And, this, I think is a great place for an heir vote! Check out the next post, it will be the heir vote poll!  Thanks for reading!