Day 4 (wed)
First off, since Honeybee has a little extra money, I decide to start on a second cottage on the property. Right now it’s just a shell of a house, but when she needs it for extra bedrooms or something, I’ll work on it some more.
We finally get to a day off, and overnight, Honeybee rolled wishes to take a writing class and get a writing skill. I love it when I can kill two wishes with one action! So, off we go to class…

Oh, and around this time, we also got our first opportunity! To bring 3 fish to the supermarket. That should be easy, she already has one! So, I accept. Meanwhile, at home, we are still fighting the battle of the filth… here lies the waffles of horror…
After class, we head on over to the park, where we set to work fishing. Of course, I’m eye-ing it up for people (especially guys) that Honeybee can chat with. Argh… I only wish she would roll a wish to meet someone!
While looking around the park for guys, I spot one of my pre-made simmie, Arabica Coffee! (I made him because I love coffee) Isn’t he cute!
Honeybee- I caught my biggest catch yet! Yay for me!
I’m very impressed with your fishing skills. But seriously… when are you going to be interested in finding love? Hmm?
Honeybee- Eh, I don’t know. I’m not good at starting conversations.
Hmm.. You are creeping me out with how much like me you really are.
Honeybee- Yay! I‘m done fishing! Time to read another book!
Excellent. You do that. And then I suppose you can die alone, and I will have to start this legacy all over again…Ok, I refuse to put another pic of Honeybee reading. I will wait until she’s moved on…
Ah.. Yes.. Welcome back. Honeybee has just finished her book, and lo and behold, she’s decided to go talk to someone! Woo!
Seriously Honeybee? This is your idea of socializing?
Seriously Honeybee? This is your idea of socializing?
But, they do seem to have a conversation after that, and as soon as Honeybee’s hunger moodlet shows up, I send her over to grab a plate at the nearest picnic basket, and guess who happens to be over there?!?
Arabica- Sure, come on over and enjoy a hotdog! I’m Arabica, and you are??
Honeybee- Oh, thanks! My name is Honeybee.
Arabica- Oh, that’s a very pretty name!
They chat through their meal. (yay! If she ended up with Arabica, I would totally flip! He’s cute!) Then he runs off as soon as she’s done. Darn! Oh well. It’s getting later, so I have Honeybee run over to the grocery store to finish her opportunity with the fish.
Then, she decides to bust out the guitar and play…
And after that, we head on home for some rest…
Day 5-
It’s another lovely morning, and Honeybee starts out with some reading, because she’s got another wish to read 12 books…
And, the kitchen is still a room of horror. Well, apparently only to me. Come on! Wish for a maid, something!
And, she just sits and eats her breakfast with the flies buzzing all around! Are you serious!!!
Really Honeybee, you’d rather ignore the horrifying plate of food in front of you? Are you starting a colony of bacteria or something?
Honeybee- Eh, I’ll get around to it later, right now, I’m really dying to start a book! I wanna write a novel!
Oh, really? Ok, well fine. Thank goodness I can’t smell what you are living in right now. That’s all I’m sayin’.
Oh, and I decide that maybe it will help her commute a little bit if I buy her a car! I get her the cute one from the Dr. Pepper give away.
It doesn’t help the enormous hike down the hill to the road, but she looks nice behind the wheel once she gets to the street!
While at work, we get another opportunity, to read a book for work! Woot! Finally her bookworm skills will actually help! It seems that today, she's also been promoted! Yay! To celebrate, I have her eat at the bistro, of course, in hopes of making friends…
But it doesn’t seem to help. There’s only one person left by the time she’s done eating and going for drinks. So she plays her guitar for a little while, wows the one girl there, and then I send her home, exhausted again…
DAY 6-
The next morning, I send her to read that book for work, and yet again, she ignores the filth, and keeps on reading…
But, what’s this!!!! A look of disgust! Maybe she’ll wash the dishes now!
Nope. Just the one dish she washes… sheesh!!! At least she decides to clean up the dirty clothes around the house after that…
Soon, it’s time for work!
I’ve been having her in either the ‘meet co-workers’ mode, or hang with co-workers’ so she can make some friends, but last night, I decided to get her a 2nd life time reward of Office Hero. I‘m thinking maybe this will help her make friends at work at least.(I had already given her the Observant reward)
That does it, apparently, because she’s good friends with one co-worker by the end of the day, and rolls the wish…. Drum roll please…. To be friends with ALL of her co-workers! WOOHOO! She finally wants some friends! Yay!
I send her to the gym after work to eat, shower, and work on her book until she’s tired and I gotta send her home. Meanwhile, I make plans for her day off!
So, she has about 3 girl co-workers, and her boss, Stiles McGraw. She’s close to being friends with all the girls, so I decide I’ll have Honeybee invite Stiles over on Sunday, so she can become friends with him. Maybe that will turn into something! He’s certainly not my first pick, but well, it’s not about me!
Day 7-
So, it’s Saturday, one more day of work before her day off. *yay!* And, surprise! She starts it off by reading. Then, she rolls a wish to do laundry! So, we get her right to it..
See, doesn’t that feel good to get something clean Honeybee? Wouldn’t you like to touch the dishes before you go to work?
Honeybee- Oh, I love my clothes being all clean, but I’d rather get to work early today… hoping for a promotion!
Ok. Well. I tried.
Well, Honeybee fulfills a ton of wishes at work today! She get’s promoted.. Makes friends with all the girls at work, and rolls a wish to…. Become friends with Stiles McGraw! Oh yeah, we are totally inviting him over tomorrow!
Honeybee- Yay! I got promoted! Stiles is really impressed with my work, I think he’s a pretty cool guy!
Well, good, we are gonna invite him over tomorrow so you can chat!
And after a little more guitar skilling, I send her home to get a good night’s sleep for tomorrow, her first date!!!
Honeybee- Wait… DATE?!? You never said anything about a date… I think he’s a nice guy and all.. But I don’t think I like him like that!
Um. Well, we will play it cool. You’ll just be hanging out. But it will be just you and him. At your house. That is kind of a date too….
Honeybee- Well, thanks for completely freaking me out. I don’t mind hanging out, but what if he doesn’t like me like that? What if he already has a girlfriend? How am I supposed to sleep now?
Hmmm… sounds like you might like him more than you are letting on…

Does Stiles actually come over? Do they hit it off, or is it a no-go? Will the stupid plate of waffles ever get clean? Find out next time, in chapter 3!
So, you may have noticed, there were some changes to the rules since last chapter, and there will probably be another change coming soon, regarding household repairs. I’m working on a decent rule for that, with Kitty’s help. Thanks for taking the time to read! Oh, and there is a thread on the Sims3 site where anyone can share their adventures with this lovely legacy challenge, I’ll put the link here, and on the rules page.
All My Wishes Legacy Thread
All My Wishes Legacy Thread
Good idea for the meet and hang with co-workers to at work. Gah I am so desperate to try this out!
ReplyDeleteTeehee.. Thea, by the time you do get to, you will have so much knowledge, it will be a breeze for you! You'll make us all look dumb. :)
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ReplyDeleteI love Honeybee already! The filth problem is what I'm dealing with, with Madison. She will every so often clean the dishes, but she's gonna get the newspaper delivery canceled on her, if she continues to ignore recylcling the old ones.
ReplyDeleteMy Sim Moira also never ever ever cleans the dishers and recycles the newspapers.
ReplyDeleteI hope it'll turn out great with Stiles McGraw! Moira also had a date with him, and he said it was boring in twenty Sim-minutes :')